Welcome to Spooky-NightsUK.com - The Right Choice! offering Ghost Hunts at affordable prices at some of the UK's most haunted locations.

1. Are you a Sceptic, Believer or Sitting on the fence?

2. What is your favourite piece of equipment? 
"I have two favourites - video camera and infra-red light"

3. What is your favourite venue so far? 
"Woodchester Mansion and with Spooky Nights, Denny Abbey."

4. What is the most memorable event you attended and why?
"Denny Abbey: the amount of stone throwing and unexplained noises we heard."

5. Why would you recommend others to join us?
" 'Cos the scares are live and the crew are all" experts at what they do and I also love the look on people's faces when something happens - particularly if they came on the event as a sceptic!"