Welcome to Spooky-NightsUK.com - The Right Choice! offering Ghost Hunts at affordable prices at some of the UK's most haunted locations.

Gary Albone - Owner / Founder

Spooky-NightsUK.com was founded after I went to Peterborough Museum with my wife as a paying customer to a ghost hunt.

This was a first for me, and only going along as my wife wanted to do it, as I was a total sceptic at this time, during the event the crew of the team, which i wont mention, but do run events still, only had a few EMF meters and even then the crew held it all night and didnt really explain how or what it was for.

During the event all we did was vigils. There was no glass divination or anything like that, so I left the event feeling somewhat robbed and said to my wife jokingly, I could do better than that, and the reply I got was well go on then!

Having no experience at all, or any contacts I thought this might be a bit impossible.

However the first call to a local hotel, this being The Bell Inn at Stilton, which is still a regular venue for us, welcomed me with open arms to do such an event. We set the date and started planning. They got the local papers involved which gave us some great advertising. At this time though, we didnt have any names for our group or anything. So I had to think of a name quickly, and as some friends that were also interested on coming on the events came from Yaxley, were also I come from, Yaxley Paranormal Group was founded for members only.
Anyway the first event was a great success and after that people kept asking me to organise more. It got so popular and so many people wanted to come, that it was too big for a members group, so we went into general public events, and this is when Spooky-Nights was founded.

Since then we have been a great success, sourcing many new venues, having a great crew from day one, even though some crew members have changed from the original team, having some great mediums on board and recently having a complete website overall, after finding Andy who is now our IT guru.

It is my ambition to let the customers of Spooky-NightsUK, gain the most out of the evening, which is why we supply a vast range of equipment for people to use during an event, and our crew are also trained to let the guests do most of the work when we encourage spirits closer to us, they use the glass, the ouija board etc under direct guidance from a trained crew member.

The future for Spooky-NightsUK is also looking bright, with some new ventures being planned as well as securing a venue which gives us sole investigation rights, this being Sacrewell Farm in Peterborough.

So watch our website as you will be noticing some changes for sure in 2011, watch out for our charity events during 2011 as we will be supporting Clic Sargaent and The Georgie Wyse Appeal.
