Welcome to Spooky-NightsUK.com - The Right Choice! offering Ghost Hunts at affordable prices at some of the UK's most haunted locations.

Andy Soar - Webmaster

I have always had an interest in the paranormal. The bug started when I was around 9 or 10 and my grandfather was collecting a magazine called “The Unexplained”. This set my imagination alight – ghosts, aliens, the first time I saw the infamous Cottingley Fairies!

The seminal X-Files programme and the liking of horror films and at the time a penchant for the odd Stephen King novel really set me off! But like so many people, I developed a rekindled interest thanks to Living TV's “Most Haunted” - the earlier series in particular.

I have only really had one experience myself that I can't account for in my personal life and that was on the night before I got married. A distinctive pipe tobacco smell in a doorway, yet not in either of the two connecting rooms. It was a smell instantly recognisable as my late grandfather's tobacco – all the more bizarre was that there were no smokers in the household.

Spooky-nightsUK.com came about through pure serendipity. After working on a website for another spiritual medium, I came into contact with Gary and tendered some posters. This became a success, taking the art side of the website to a different level and after some time invested in an outline of a website was constructed the work to begin what you are now reading commenced. It is by far the most ambitious project that I have worked on, an organic process that has so far encompassed ideas and many challenges along the way. An internet TV channel, chat facility and now forum, not to mention a couple of charitable websites along the way and some sleek re-design work, spooky-nightsUK has evolved into something a bit special, rather like the organisation on the night's events.

My first ghost hunt proved eventful at Sacrewell Farm. A couple of things in my sceptical mind are very hard to reconcile! But what impressed me the most is just the out and out honesty and freedom of the events. I have heard many times how other organisations keep the events structured and regimented to the point of almost being scripted. Spooky-nightsUK is the opposite. You have the freedom to explore with some brilliant equipment with fantastic support from the Team Leaders but it's the resident mediums and Gary himself that make the evening really work.

2011 will see further improvements along the way with new features and we'd like to see a bit more networking with our international friends too. And if you haven't managed to get yourself on an event yet then what are you waiting for! Dare you attend? You should you know!
