Welcome to Spooky-NightsUK.com - The Right Choice! offering Ghost Hunts at affordable prices at some of the UK's most haunted locations.

Justin Byrne - Crew Member

I have always had a interest in the paranormal from a young age, but due to my up bringing I was never allowed to read or learn about it.

When I was around 12-14 I remember my brother getting DJ decks from a car boot sale. That evening when they were under my brothers bed, I could sense that someone was watching me from the door of our bedroom. Throughout the evening I could swear from time to time that I could see the outline of someone in that door way too. The way my mum and dads house is built means that my old bedroom door is connected to my mum and dads bedroom door. The next morning after telling my mum what happened, she too said she had the same feeling. I am not too sure how we narrowed it down that it was the decks, but they were quickly put into the garden shed. A few days leter, my mum and brother went to see if the decks were still in the shed and to their shock, white mist was around them. Later on that day my dad dumped the decks.

It wasnt until I was 21 and met Janet that I was aware that ghost hunting existed and that I could go on a investigation. As I mentioned, due to my up bringing I knew very little about the paranormal, but I had big interest in it. My first ghost hunt was in in the Court House in Dudley and it was one of the best nights out I have ever had. We had tapping, ouija board going and doors creaking. I loved it, after that I was hooked and have been on countless investigations since then.

One of my most favourite venues has to be the Old Nick Theatre in Gainsborough. Every time I go there it is extremely active, ouija board goes mad there, loads of banging and tapping. The last time I was there, I sat in the main theatre on my own whilst the rest of the crew went on a tour just to get their bearings. In the room to the back of the theatre I heard a door open, foots steps going accross the room and then a door close. I got up and had a look to find no one there!

Since going on regular ghost hunts and becoming a member of the team at Spooky-Nights I have met and made the most wonderful friends in the world. I would highly recomend Spooky-Nights to anyone who wants to get into paranormal investigating.
